Math 1B Spring 2015 with Mitchell Schoenbrun
Lesson Plans

1) Lesson Plan 1
2) Lesson Plan 2
3) Lesson Plan 3
4) Lesson Plan 4
5) Lesson Plan 5
6) Lesson Plan 6
7) Lesson Plan 7
8) Lesson Plan 8 Approximate Integration
9) Lesson Plan 9 Improper Integrals Part 1
10) Lesson Plan 10 Improper Integrals Part 2
11) Lesson Plan 11 Areas
12) Lesson Plan 12 Volumes
13) Lesson Plan 13 MidTerm
14) Lesson Plan 14 Arc Length, Average Value
15) Lesson Plan 15 Polar Coordinates
16) Lesson Plan 16 Physics Applications
17) Lesson Plan 17 Differential Equations
18) Lesson Plan 18 Direction Fields & Euler's Method
18b) Solving a first degree non-linear differential equation
19) Lesson Plan 19 Separable Variables and Linear Equations
20) Lesson Plan 20 Linear Equations & Orthogonal Trajectories
21) Delta Epsilon Limit Proofs